The 10 Outstanding Books I Read In The Year 2023

best books 2023

This year, I read fewer books than the year before and I expect that trend to continue. Although I have a genuine love for reading, it’s been increasingly difficult to find books I’m excited about. This is the result of having read so many fantastic books over the last couple of years. I can’t complain, but since I love reading, I want to explore topics that interest me. Even if I run a website that focuses on book summaries, I never want to be in a position where I’m just trying to please the Google algorithm, but I’ll talk about this another time. For now, let’s move on to the list. Here are the best books I read in 2023 in no particular order. 

Rejection Proof by Jia Jiang

I first heard about this book on Mark Manson’s podcast and when content producer, Drew Birnie mentioned the book’s premise, I felt like I had to read it. In Rejection Proof, entrepreneur Jia Jiang realizes he doesn’t like his job, so he quits and starts a 100-day challenge. As part of this challenge, he seeks rejection for over three months. He then reveals everything he learns about the art of rejection and he soon realizes that if you ask the right way, you can get people to agree to unbelievable things.

The Art & Business of Online Writing by Nicolas Cole

In this practical guide, Nicolas Cole reveals the secrets to writing online. According to the author, to accumulate millions of views, you should start working on free online platforms and use metrics to plan your content. Apart from teaching you to “go viral”, the book also helps you generate endless ideas, create a content roadmap, and turn your online content into books or physical products. If you’re remotely interested in online writing, Cole’s book is a must-read.

How to Not Die Alone by Logan Ury

Finding a romantic partner is something a lot of people are trying to solve in this day and age and there aren’t as many resources on the topic as they should. To find love, you need to answer a series of questions, such as “Who should I date?”, “When should I commit?”, and “How should I meet the right person?”. In How to Not Die Alone, Logan Ury answers many questions about finding love in the modern age. This step-by-step guide to relationships can change your life.

The Creative Gene by Hideo Kojima

I don’t remember when I first heard about this book, but let me tell you one thing, I never expected to like it as much as I did. The Creative Gene is a compilation of interviews and essays that acclaimed video game developer Hideo Kojima wrote for a Japanese magazine called Da Vinci. In those essays, the game creator discusses a variety of topics, including music, books, and movies. Most essays are about films he watched when he was younger and how they turned him into a master storyteller. Reading about a creator who’s so passionate, driven, and enthusiastic about media made this book hard to put down.

Models by Mark Manson

This is a book about dating, but I think there’s something universal about its premise that makes it worthwhile even if you’re not looking for a partner. In Models, Mark Manson, the bestselling author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, discusses how dating is an emotional process rather than a logical one. As such, the best way to connect with women isn’t to impress or perform for them but to be honest and vulnerable. This is groundbreaking because most dating books are about manipulating people to get what you want. I liked this book so much that I’d go as far as to say that Models is the only dating book that’s worth reading.

The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

In The Laws of Human Nature, Robert Greene compiles ideas from different areas to write an essential book on understanding and dealing with people. This can be a long, difficult book at times, but it’s worth every minute. My recommendation would be to check out the “concise” version of the book which is much shorter and doesn’t include all the stories from historical figures.

Clear Thinking by Shane Parrish

Thinking clearly has the potential to transform your life, but it’s one of the hardest things to do. Luckily, Shane Parrish (the person behind Farnam Street) wrote a book on that topic. The problem is that we often cannot think clearly when we need to do it the most, so this book is a practical guide on recognizing those opportunities and using our cognitive abilities to get what we want. There are numerous books on decision-making out there, but this is one of the best ones.

Same as Ever by Morgan Housel

Some things in life never change and this book points them out so that we know how to deal with them. Once you understand the things that never change, you can start living your best life because you already have the tools to take chances, seize opportunities, and live the best life. Like Housel’s previous book, The Psychology of Money, I’m sure I’ll be rereading this book often.

Excellent Advice for Living by Kevin Kelly

I read this book cover to cover while I was waiting in my local bank. With a little over 200 pages, this isn’t a long book, but I loved every line in it. In Excellent Advice for Living, Kelly compiles all the lessons he learned throughout his life and shares them with the world. There are lessons about relationships, health, financing, parenting, and more. If you’re looking for a short, thought-provoking book with lots of advice, you should give this one a chance.

Sharing a House with the Never-Ending Man by Steve Alpert

In this memoir, Steve Alpert describes what working at Studio Ghibli, one of the best animation studios in the world, was like. For those unfamiliar, Studio Ghibli is the Japanese company behind Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, and Princess Mononoke. Like many books on this list, I loved this one from beginning to end and came away with some unforgettable stories. The only problem with this book is that there isn’t more of it.

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